Saturday 18 August 2012

18th August

The meal was a lovely way to say goodbye and we are to happy to have gotten a few photos with the Bettster (one will be uploaded later). It didn't go without it's comical moments though. Grace choked to the point of nearly passing out on a piece of steak. Typically Fred continued enjoying his fish and chips while the rest of the group offered water and helpful slaps on the back. Fred also attempted to ruin photos by holding his fish head infront of our faces.

The whole school performed a couple of songs to say goodbye to Helen, Penny and Chris which was emotional, especially for our ex-roomie Helen. We have since requested Waka Waka by Shakira to be performed on our last day.

Last night we endured our first major power cut. There have been the odd momentary blackouts but usually they only last a few minutes. This particular power cut was all the more unnerving as the house was quiet because Alex and his family are currently on safari in Mombasa and the other volunteers had left. We're looking forward to the family's return on Monday.
Due to the torrential downpour, that trapped us in the hotel cyber cafe for a couple of hours, Nakuru suffered a prolonged power surge which saw us drinking hot chocolate by torchlight. It wasn't all bad as we spent a good 2 hours chatting with Betty about everything from pets to HIV.

Today was our first lazy day since our arrival so we decided to sunbathe in the garden. The family's dog Poppy has recently had puppies so they joined us in lying in the sun. Hannah developed tan lines within about 30 minutes but after 3 hours it became clear that Grace is destined to be white.


  1. Made it home after nearly 24 hours of travelling but missing Kenya and you guys massively already
    :( At least I have your fab blog to read and remind me of an amazing experience :) The extra-long power cut sounds mad, glad you had Betty to keep you company! Love to everyone xxx

  2. Hi Hannah and Grace, did you go to Fred's wedding? Can't wait to hear all about it. Going to put my photos on Facebook today. Please say a big hello to the children from us! Love from Penny x

  3. Did you tell each other ghost stories?? :-)
