Friday 24 August 2012


People who are lucky enough to afford a car, like Alex and Fred, have their own. However the more common forms of transport is matatu, tuktuk and motorbike.

A matatu is a 14 seat minibus, even though this isn't strictly true as we counted 21 people squished into ours on one journey into town. It is incredibly cheap to get anywhere and they also seem to come very regularly, there always seems to be one waiting when we want to go to Nakuru. Yesterday the matatu we used was run by two young men and the atmosphere was that of a party bus. Reggae music was blaring and the two men were very chatty and happy.

Tuktuks are more expensive but it's easier for us to get one back from Nakuru then a matatu. As we have previously explained a tuktuk is basically a large box on the back of a motorbike and can seat 3 people. Tuktuk drivers are very friendly, they often love to ask what football team we support and on Saturday we even got invited to one drivers church service the following day.

We haven't taken a motorbike even though they are as cheap as a motorbike because, as in England, they can only carry the driver plus one passenger and we do not like the idea of being seperated. Fred also warned us against them as often drivers do not own a drivers license.

All 3 forms of transport are really easy to get hold of because of how many litter the roads.

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