Friday 24 August 2012

22nd August

Not much to say as we're very comfortable now with the routine that we have here in Kenya. Our evening entertainment is usually provided by Peace and Emmanuel, for example last night they played musical statues using our iPhone which led into Grace teaching them an interpretive dance to 'Circle of Life'. We have high hopes for Emmanuel's future in the Royal School of Ballet. Although spacial awareness is an issue, his use of the floor space was breath-taking.

Hannah has sunburnt her toes and is now having to wear plasters on each one to school. Loser. Grace is concerned that she has sunburnt her lips so expect a trout pout on return.

Today was our first full day of teaching the children ourselves. Having planned the lessons via visual mind maps we were skeptical as to how they would play out but we have had a great day! We're also happy to have kept some of their work. Hannah has some very interesting 'faces' and Grace has pages of abstract animals and one purely covered in the number '2'.

After having just gotten over her battle with the cows, Grace experienced an even more traumatic confrontation with yet another farm animal; turkeys. As we made our way from Alex's to school, Natalie and Hannah walked around one side of a mud puddle and Grace the other side. Sensing her fear and honing in on her lonely status at the far side of the mud puddle, the turkeys made a break for her. Screaming and protecting herself with her handbag (thanks Dad) Grace ran back to the crowd of motorbikes and their amused drivers. One was kind enough to distract the turkeys long enough for Grace to escape to the Hannah and Nat who were in hysterics. Now everytime we take that route to school, Grace is on red alert.


  1. So I guess the kids know what a sheep is ?

  2. They're everywhere around here, and their favourite animal is a cow!
