Friday 24 August 2012

21st August

We have been joined by another two volunteers, Natalie and Ariel. It was great to find out that Natalie is one of our home-girls from the North East and even better to discover Ariel was born and bred in LA, California, USA! And the family is back so the house is busy again, however Grace is mourning the departure of Betty.
Yesterday we ventured to town to update the blog but the internet was down however it wasn't a wasted trip because we stocked up on biscuits and Haribo! When we got back, we were sucked into an intense game of UNO.

After suffering a horrible dust storm at school yesterday, we were relieved to see it was less windy today and the sky was completely clear of clouds. Nat gave out some party blowers, balloons and paper puppets - think a children's birthday party x100 - it was chaos! We also helped Nat give out some clothes to some very grateful children.
As Nat came to Kenya to gain experience for her aspirations to teach, the headmistress Gladys has agreed to let all 4 of us plan, prepare and teach 3 hour-long, activity-based lessons a day which we are all looking forward to because hours just playing in the empty yard  can really drag. With that knowledge in mind, the day went quickly as Grace played football with the boys and Hannah took pictures and drew in the sand with the children.

 (The football team)

Walking home at lunchtime, Grace conquered one of her biggest fears; cows. As farm animals roam around London, it was bound to happen sometime. Leaving the school we bumped into a herd of cows being moved. After a minor panic (as minor as Grace's panics can be) she was forced to walk straight through the middle with Peace and Emmanuel holding each hand.

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