Friday 31 August 2012

31st August

Today was our last day. Over the last week we have received a few goodbye letters from the older children so we decided to write a few of our own to the children we have grown closest to. There were no lessons today so we strolled in a bit later than usual. The children were waiting to pounce and we were surrounded by one group or another for the whole day. Hannah played with two little girls Gami and Faith for most of the morning while Grace sang with the older students to her iPod. They found some of the English songs quite funny. Everyone who we wrote to was very pleased to get a letter and proudly kept them safe in their clothes. It was cute to see the older ones translate the younger ones letters to them.

After lunch the ritual goodbye assembly was held for us. They sang a song and then the Headteacher, Gladys, asked us to say a few words. After holding it together for so long, the tears started to well and our throats choked up. Then Gladys asked if any pupils would like to come forward and say a little something to us. Rachel (5), a favourite from Grace's class, thanked her for playing with her and said she would miss her. Faith (4), Hannah's favourite little girl, followed that asking Hannah to please come back. This was enough for both of us to break down and hysterically cry. Gladys ended the assembly and we were swarmed by students to hug us. It was very touching and emotional at how much we have obviously impacted in the month we've been here. Talking afterwards we agreed that even after catching tuktuks, battling turkeys, adjusting to the culture shock and controlling lessons despite a language barrier, this was without a doubt the hardest thing we have had to do; saying goodbye.

1 comment:

  1. It brought tears to my eyes just reading this post - having been through the same emotions myself (although after a much shorter time) I know exactly how you both felt. But you will have the memories of the children and everyone you met in Kenya for a very long time. You should be so proud of yourselves - you have made a huge difference to the lives of Rachel, Faith, Gami and everyone at The Walk Centre. Have a safe and speedy trip back to the UK and enjoy seeing Alex, Nick and your families and friends again. Lots of love, Helen xxx
