Thursday 9 August 2012

9th August

We were lucky enough to witness two alternate types of dance performances yesterday. One was a spontaneous flashdance by the school children to 'Waka Waka' by Shakira, which made Grace's day. (Videos will be available on our return). The other was a hilarious interpretation of the conga dance by Peace and Emmanuel, which involved a lot of bum-shaking.

Today was crazy busy. It was the parents meeting at school (which is like Speech Day at Ripon Grammar School). They had a service in the morning with singing and a bible reading from Alex, all in Swahili so we didn't actually know what was going on, then the children performed the pieces they had been working on. Grace's class performed a poem and The Banana Song ("Bananas of the World, Unite") which Grace was very proud of as she was involved in teaching them the song. Most students in Hannah's "baby class" are so young that they only started in May and so hadn't prepared anything. Lunchtime felt like feeding the 5000!
The older pupils are a lot more confident with their English and even showcased some French they had learnt. They're also very interested in the differences between Kenya and England, asking if we had zebras at home.

We're currently in Nakuru town, using the internet in a popular hotel. The ride here was typically Kenyan. What started as 5 volunteers in the car soon turned into a party bus as we were joined by Peace, Emmanuel and Betty and we managed to gain 2 of the kitchen staff from the school as we left Alex's house. We're looking forward to spending the evening in the hotel restaurant with the other volunteers for a group meal.

Remember to check our JustGiving page, we're so happy to already have a donation of 25 pounds!


  1. Replies
    1. It was really good, and the other volunteers are so friendly!

  2. So proud of you girls, I love the blog - Richard
